Thursday, May 03, 2012

Leo @ 21 Months * Gus @ 1 month

First family photo! Easter 2012

Well, hello there! It's May!!

Leo is 21 months old and Gus is 1 month old.
Boy oh boy, did that go fast!

Gus @ 1 month:

Weight: 10 lbs 5 oz
Length: 22 inches
He's a big boy!
Gained four pounds since
his first pediatrician visit.
He's a great nurser!
Right now, he eats and sleeps a lot
but he's becoming more and more
alert everyday.
We are working on sleeping still :)
He sleeps great when mom or dad
holds him :)
Starting to smile
and can hold up his head.
Still has dark hair, perhaps
taking after mom??
Was baptized this past Sunday
(see post below for the photo book)
and it was a very nice day
with family.

Leo @ 21 months:

He loves being a big brother!
Loves to kiss, hug and pat Gus!
Is very proud when Gus
visits him at daycare.
Leo's speech is top notch!
Likes to help with everything. 
Takes things off the shelf, hands it to you and says "thank you".
He speaks in sentences more
and more each day.
Some recent sentences:
"I dress like Daddy."
(when he was dressed up for Gus' christening)
"I need/want more veggies/milk/chips."
"I fall down."
"Oh Toby!" (He LOVES Thomas & Friends!)
"Drink of water." 
(and then "fresh drink of water."... and he watches to make sure 
you fill it up fresh at the bathroom sink).
"I like the moon song."
"Grandma made that." (when pointing to the homemade giraffe in his room)
Leo is very fun and funny right now.
Always makes us chuckle.
Loves bubbles and bath.
Doesn't want to use the toilet but likes to sit by Mom and Dad 
when we do, so he can flush the toilet.
Is into giving and asking for hugs
right now, which mommy loves :D

Some photos from the past month:

Gus' first day home - Leo loves his baby brother! And Grandma is proud!
Memere and Pepere came to visit
Pepere and Leo work on puzzles
Torturing our children with a visit to the Easter bunny 
"I color! I color!"
Happy Gus checks out the bouncy seat 
Bert gets on Gus' back about not working hard enough at the baby gym
Gus' christening -- April 29, 2012 -- Five weeks old 
Proud Grandma, Godmother Aunt Joanie and Mom 
Action shot by Uncle Tony
Gus meets *most of* his cousins on the Masse side 

With Mom, Dad and Big Bro

And a few videos:

Leo eats Grandma's chocolate icing ... "I like it!"

Gus holds up his head

Gus finds a snack

Leo, the ar-teest

Pre-Gus interview with Leo

That's all for now!
C, A, L & G

1 comment:

Kate said...

You two make some cute kids. I'm glad the transition is going smoothly.