Hello All! Welcome to the latest edition of our blog!
Here are the updates:
. Painted! Furniture in! Linens on! Curtains hung! New blinds! Yippee!
. We've been sleeping in our bedroom now for about 5 days and it's great!
. Adam's closet is being reorganized by his dad to maximize the space.

. Border is down, ceiling is painted and walls are ready for painting. Walls will be a bluish-greenish-greyish color.
. Carole's closet (in the office) is all painted and clothes are in position! No more cardboard wardrobes!

. This weekend, Carole's mom and her friend Arlet came for a visit and to help work on the house. Project numero uno: remove the kitchen wallpaper. Ick!
. We got a good start on it... wallpaper scaping is NOT good times. Adam finished it up (my hero!)
. Now, we just have to repair the walls and prep for painting.
. Also in the kitchen this weekend: FOOD! Carole's mom and Arlet made several meals for the happy home owners to partake in this week. Hooray! Beef and noodles, chicken salad, beef roast, BBQ pork.. YUM!

. Adam has taken up the bathroom tile in preparation to lay new tile!
. The new plywood has been bought for the upstairs floor! Just got to find time to install it.
. We bought new front and back doors. They are in the garage right now :)
. Tuesday night is twig night! Carole's chore is to pick up twigs in preparation for lawn mowing on Wednesday. WOO HOO!
. We saw the DaVinci Code. Skip it and see Mission Impossible III.
. We had our first BAD neighbor encounter: yesterday we see our neighbor walking across our backyard. For what? To cut flowers/branchess off one of our flowering trees! Adam stepped out to see what was going on. The neighbor's wife (standing in her yard) says to Adam, "We didn't think you were home!". The neigbhor walks back to his house with branches from our tree and doesn't say a word. They don't speak much english, but enough to say they thought we weren't home!
That's all folks! C & A