Happy New Year!
Leo is six months old!
Actually, in 11 days, he'll be seven months old
but hey, better late than never, right?
Leo is doing great!
Big milestones this month:
Babbling ("dada" when happy, "mama" when sad)
*practically* crawling (any day now)
Laughing a lot
Loves to eat and does a great job
Here are some of our favorite pics
and videos from the past month:
Blizzard 2011:
Bring on the snow! |
Baby vs. snow drift |
He wasn't a big fan of the wind in his face |
Our snow angel |
With Mama |
Trip to the Museum of Science and Industry:
Whoa. Science is cool. Checking out stuff with Grandpa. |
Happy baby, happy mama |
Look of relief after a little bit of puke-y |
More exploring! |
Thrilled to learn all about cow dung |
In his Cosby sweater that accentuates his baby blues |
Showing off his skills |
In his snowman coat from Aunt Katie and Uncle Joey |
Tuckered out. He was not feeling well this day and was a real trooper. |
Miscellaneous photos:
Hanging with pals at a play date with mommy group |
Eating bananas with Memere |
Hey Pepere! I have that hat too! We're twins! |
At the table for dinner, Leo tries a pickle |
I'm not a baby, I'm a thug |
Loving up on Uncle Joey. Contrary to popular belief,
I am NOT afraid of beards. See?!? |
Happy guy in the johnny jumper |
Lounging with Dad |
Happy bear (before the loss to the Packers) |
Loves kisses from mama |
Loves his Word World Bee from Auntie Christine |
The Heart Break Kid with Grandma and Grandpa.
A moment of glee on one of his sick days. |
Leo crawls! (Sped up for your viewing pleasure)
Dad eats chicken legs!
Leo babbles! Da da da!
Leo tries the cup!
Leo eats oatmeal!
Leo says ma mam ma (only when he is sad)