So... we're now almost 39 weeks... and we're waiting for the big day.
The nursery is ready. As you'll see, there is no theme. Just colorful, stocked with meaningful items and other things we just like:

This is Adam's nostalgia corner:
- Drawing of Adam as a boy, trying to catch birds with his "bird mittens"; bird mittens hanging next to picture
- Cross from Adam's grandma
- Plaque about sons from Adam's dad
- Orange radio from Adam's grandpa
- Wooden plane Adam's dad built for him when he was a kid
- Little baby converse... given to us by my sister Christine... shoes remind me of Adam's bro Joey

Some of the artwork -- two prints from and a big giraffe made by Grandma Nemec:

Another shot -- blue table next to the glider is from Great Grandma Nemec's... Adam painted it this week...
Mommy's corner... Glider cushions covered by Memere Masse. Quilt made by Grandma Nemec. Fox with socks keeping the seat warm.

Close ups of the artwork from
More fun prints from
Close up of the giraffe made by Grandma Nemec so we can track the boy's growth:

The nursery is a guest room too... or a place for Mommy/Daddy to sleep if baby needs us near by:
View from the guest room side:
So the nursery is all set up. But, baby will start off sleeping near us downstairs, in our room, in the pack-n-play. Thanks Aunt Mary and Uncle Joe!
Little Hoot pack-n-play. Love it. Auntie Christine, look at what is hanging on the wall near by:
And the bump shots:
37 weeks:
38 weeks:

And from the front:

In other news...
The basement:
Perma Seal came to fix our faulty trench drain... Adam took the day off to supervise... As you can see, they installed a bigger drain (smaller one is the original). It took about three hours for them to fix this.

SO... You can imagine how pleased we were when it stormed the next day and this is what happened:

Ugh. Needless to say, Perma Seal will be coming back again. But with baby coming soon, they will not be back until August. Too much going on right now to deal with this!
Air duct cleaning:
As part of my nesting plan, we decided to have our air ducts vacuumed out.
Mr. Duct came by and hooked up a giant vacuum to our heating/ac system...

Then, Mr. Duct loosened all the dirt, dust and debris in our vents so the giant vacuum could suction it out.

Now we are all breathing clean air. Phew. And maybe this will help with controlling allergies. They showed us a video of the inside of one of the vents before they cleaned, and I am pretty sure the air ducts in this house have never been cleaned.
Comic room:
Not a home improvement, just a little project I did for Adam for his first father's day... comic-covered magazine boxes to hold his prized Vampirella collection:

So, I think we'll be signing off now until the big day arrives. My due date is 8 days away as of tomorrow. We can't believe he's almost here! It is very exciting... and scary... but mostly, exciting!
Stand by for the big news!
C + A
PS: Managed to catch one of the boy's kicks on camera... watch the right side of the video...