Wow! It has been over a month since my last post. I didn't realize it had been so long. I guess I was waiting for something noteworthy to post. I finally have a couple of things!
First, we are fresh off a plane from our vacation to Oahu and Maui. It was great! The picture above was taken by my sister Christine who just moved to Oahu with her hubby and two kids -- who needs a better reason to visit our favorite vacation spot?
We spent one week in Oahu where I managed to catch a wave at Bellows Beach:

And Adam was a daredevil (he is that speck on the cliffs):

And then, we spent the next week in Maui, where we had this beautiful view from our room at the hotel:

It was glorious! But, now we are back home and did not waste anytime getting back to business.
But first, another update:
I turned 30 last month. Whooptydoo! Here we are, on my birthday :)

And, Adam made me a birthday cake with homemade icing! AND... we even were fancy and put it in a cake dome. Lovely! Made me feel like a real adult! (Please excuse our wonky hair... must have been humid that day)

For my birthday, Adam got me a great house related gift! He powerwashed and stained the deck! We didn't have a great picture at press time, but I did find this one:

I also got a coffee table (pic to come) and -- every girl from the 80s dream -- tickets to see Dirty Dancing the musical when it comes to Chicago. Hootie hoo!
Anywho --
As I mentioned, we flew home yesterday and promptly got back to business:
I literally got back to business by returning to work.
Adam had one more day off -- so he supervised two house adventures today.
Window Repair
We've finally repaired the window in the front. Hopefully tomorrow I am not posting a sad story about how it is broken again. *Fingers crossed*
Here's the window guy assessing the damage from the inside:

And in goes the new glass! Only 15 minutes to fix! We saved the receipt in case the hoodlums come back and want to pony up for the damage. Ha.

In more exciting news, today the back yard fence went up! We ended up going with Cedar Rustic Fence Co. So far, we are pleased with the job. Our yard looks a little trashed because of all the rain and the fact that we've been gone, so we need to weed and mow.
Here are some pics:

Note: ever since we cut down our original tree, little baby trees sprout up from the old roots (that's what all those little green guys are on the ground). Since we were gone, they are everywhere outside. Couldn't do any yard work yesterday with all the rain...
And, our flower beds need weeding badly.... Here is the gate:

Gate next to the garage:

Gate open!

Another big project checked off the list!
Lastly, we just realized this evening that, while we were gone, the Home Repair Fairy visited our house and installed motion sensor lights near our front door and garage! Wow!

Wow! Thank you Home Repair Fairy!
Now what? I think we done with projects for now. It might be a while before you hear from us next... so, here is a cute picture to remember us by. Enjoy!

Aloha! Mahalo!