Sorry to disappoint all you pet lovers. We did not get a kitty. We can't -- Adam is allergic.
However, we got a new iMac, which runs the new Mac operating system, Leopard. Meow!!! Look at it in all it's glory.
I am so excited. You might have heard about
Anyway, I sit here at my new iMac typing up this blog entry and I am happy as a clam...

That picture was taken by the camera built into my iMac. As was the picture from the last post... kind of a neat feature... You can even add funky backgrounds behind you... Seeeeeee....

Now, enough about the iMac. It doesn't really have to do with our house renovating, but it makes my blog writing fun, so it is very deserving of a mention.
On to what's been up with the house since our last post in JULY!!
Upstairs bathroom: almost complete!In July, we hired a company to come in a refinish our bath tub. The rest of the bathroom was looking so nice, we thought, why not spruce up the tub.
Here is a before pic:

During the refinishing process:

And now here is what the bath looks like today! BUT first, remember our original upstairs bath??

And here is the bathroom today!

We have some special artwork for the bathroom, along with a few finishing touches, but overall we're done. A big improvement. Oh, still have to figure out what to do about a shower door for the shower...
We also have done a little work on Adam's comic room...We bought a futon. I am not a huge futon fan, but it is nice because it is functional for when we have guests. We also hung some of Adam's vintage comic posters on the wall

Upstairs bedroom:We got a new papasan cushion. Bargain!

And, Adam and his father finished the trim work around our new windas! Beautious!
Random notes:
I have taken a small liking to owls. So I find/collect/pillage them and use them in the house. Here is one... Auntie Rena, remember this guy?

My parents are ready to reclaim their closets. Here is a delivery of my childhood keepsakes. Gotta find a place for this stuff. Hooray.

Oh! And here is the
new home of the
old computer. The basement. Notice the arrangement. I can surf, while Adam sits on the couch and plays the Wii. Quality time I say. This computer had a good run... I got it back during my senior year of college in 1999.

And here is a bargain find. A vintage table I bought off Craigslist for $7. It has cool glass panels on top, with some wood carving underneath. Adam picked out new knobs for this guy at Anthropologie. Sadly, the knobs cost more than the table. Gotta love Craigslist!

And this brings me to the end of our blog update. Not a whole heck of a lot going on here. We are kind of on a renovating break until next spring/summer, when we hope to get started on the overhaul of our kitchen.
Until then, it will just be about accessorizing :)
We plan to get a real Christmas tree this year for our front room -- that should be interesting.
This is us... signing off :)