Merry Christmas Everyone! Hope it was wonderful! Here we are all cute, since we usually look grubby on this blog:

A few pics of the updates:
The chandelier I spray painted... Before:

And after:

The bathroom tile, grouted:

And the upstairs, painted: (it is hard to tell b/c the walls are cream):

As some of you know, I made Adam a special present for Christmas. He is a huge comic fan. And, as some of you know, one of our upstairs bedrooms will be "the comic room". This will be Adam's place for all things comic related. It is where his collection of over 8,000 comic books will live.
Anyway, I thought it would be nice to make him a piece of furniture for his comic room. A place to store his supplies for archiving. So I bought an old night stand, and decoupaged it with Flash comics (Flash is Adam's favorite comic book. Silver age Flash specifically):

Here it is:

(click the photos to see these bigger)

Adam reads the different stories:

So, the upstairs is coming along. One more room to paint, a couple stairs to fix... we're planning to get all new windows up there, and then, CARPET! I can't wait!
More soon --
Carole (& Adam)