Leo is 10 weeks old!
He's growing bigger and bigger every day.
At his two month check up,
he was 11 lbs and 23 inches long.
He handled his shots like a champ.
He's cooing and smiling up a storm.
And... he is sleeping through the night!!
10 pm to 6 am most of the time!
Here are a *few* pics from the past six weeks.
And a *few* videos too!
In Mommy's christening gown... so pretty! |
Play date with Serena |
Tuckered out after play date |
Chillin' in his night gown |
Being inspecting by furry creatures |
I love the 80's! |
With new lion from Sydney and Gavin... |
... that turns into a fuzzy blanket |
Do we sense a theme here? |
How big is Leo? SOOOOO BIG!! |
Visiting Memere and Pepere |
Telling secrets |
Hiding |
Happy Leo |
In one of his outfits from Auntie Christine (and the Attic!) |
Ready to go! |
Swing time |
In moby wrap with mommy |
Snoozin' with Daddy |
Leo and his buddy |
@ 8 weeks old with Mommy |
Snowman hat from Grandma and Grandpa |
He's a happy guy! |
Even when Daddy puts him in the straight jacket |
First Bears Game |
Love my frog jammies |
Getting ready to go to sleepytown |
After his two month check up |
Trip to the aquarium with Mommy, Daddy, Grandma and Grandpa |
Turtle, turtle |
Candygram |
Checkin' out the fishies |
Lovin' on a plastic penquin |
Kissin' his new bud from the aquarium |
Snugglin' with Percy |
Don't like being all dressed up! |
Ahhh! That's better! |
Check out my muscles! |
With the ladies from Mommy's office |
Go Bears! |
Leo talks to Grandpa
Playing "Who's there?" with Daddy
Happy baby feet
Walking on sunshine
So strong!
Eating daddy's hair
Daddyman is funny
More Grandpa talking...
Bouncy seat fun
Still loves the owls
More soon...