It's official! We found out today that we have a little boy on the way! Hooray to the 44% of you who voted boy!
I must say we were pretty surprised. Most people we talked to thought we'd be having a girl. So I think that is what we were expecting. Either way, we were going to be thrilled. But what a great day! Now it has become even more real.
Today's appointment went great. The doctor reviewed the ultrasound pics and everything is on track.
Here are a few screen captures:
A profile view with baby smiling:
Oh boy! Here's the shot... you have to imagine you are sitting below baby, looking up:
This great news comes right on the heels on our trip last week to Cancun -- our "babymoon", our last hoorah (for awhile, at least).
Here are a couple of shots of us and the bump on vacay:
Bump shot #1:
Bump shot #2:
Bump shot #3:
So far, pregnancy is great. I can feel baby moving and grooving everyday -- it is pretty cool. I feel good and I am very thankful for that. I have an extremely supportive husband who takes excellent care of me, and I am VERY THANKFUL for that. Now that we know we're expecting a boy, it is time to get down to business -- shopping for starters! And a slew of other tasks I have running around in my brain too. It's gonna be fun!
Oh -- and we have to pick out a name. We had a couple of girl names in mind, but nothing yet for a boy. So the list making begins. We'll keep the name a secret until baby is born -- after all, we have to make sure that he looks like the name we picked out, right?
Right before our trip, we received some cute baby garb from our friends Kate + Justin. Thanks guys! Very cute!! Adam was happy as a lark... or an owl:
Oh -- just in case you thought we were clairvoyant, here is the other shot we took on our last day in Cancun:

Till next time --
C + A