Hello friends!
We excitedly preparing for baby. As you can see above, Adam is ready to teach baby about all things comics. These awesome finger puppets were made by Grams (Adam's mom) from a pattern I bought on etsy.com. In case you can't tell, from left to right we have: The Joker, Lex Luthor, Spider-man, Batman, Hulk, Superman and Wonder Woman. Superman comes complete with flow-y cape, and Wonder Woman with flow-y hair. And look at Joker's rockin locks!
Here, Baby Daddy is practicing by telling baby doll an epic tale about how Wonder Woman did Superman wrong by going behind the Man of Steel's back with Lex Luthor. OH NO YOU DI-NT!

Speaking of Wonder Woman, here is my pregnancy update (ha ha). I am 17 weeks today and feeling great! Last week, I had my 16 week appointment. It was short and sweet, about three minutes exactly. My belly was measured and we listened to baby's heartbeat. It sounded great! I think I have started to feel the baby move, but it is SO subtle. Like little bubbles popping inside.
Now, it is just the big wait to the 20 week appointment where we'll hopefully find out the baby's sex. Then the shopping and naming fun begin!
For fun, I've throw a poll up top. What do you think the baby will be: boy or girl? Cast your vote today!
And... drumroll... for all of those who have inquired, please enjoy this montage of my growing bump (note: this has sound):
Now, on to the house renovating...
As mentioned in my previous post, with baby coming, we decided to convert my office into a den. And the closet in aforementioned office (which used to house my clothes) into my new office.
To remind you of what the office looked like, here is a pic from the summer of 2008:

That is my friend M's baby, Monte. Lots of room for the little guy to run -- but also lots of stuff for the little guy to mess with. Namely my bookshelf contents and the surrounding technology (precious Mac).
This room is directly off of our kitchen. With baby on the way, we thought it might be nice to have more of a den by the kitchen -- so when we're home from work, one parent can be in the den with baby and the other can be making a tasty dinner. Smart huh?
But the quandary: where would my office go? The basement was an option, but I am on my Mac often and didn't really want to be in the basement all the time. So, I searched for some inspiration on the internet and discovered the "Cloffice" -- a closet converted into an office. This is usually done when folks are short on space. However, we thought this would be a perfect solution for us -- it would give us room for the den, while still keeping my office upstairs. Hooray!
Some inspiration:

So, here is our conversion! The beginning:
My closet, emptied:

Painted! Adam's bro Joey comes by to assist with the shelving and desk installation:

And here is the den! White cabinet is an Ikea bargain. It holds our TV and has two large drawers. Perfect for DVDs, books... and toys and diapers. I like that the TV is there but can be hidden.

Until next time...
C + A
PS: Don't forget to vote in the poll!