Every summer, Adam takes time off and tends to things around the house. It is really nice! What a lucky lady I am.
About two weeks ago, Adam began his honey-do week :D Here's what happened:
1. New stoop
The concrete dudes showed up to replace our stoop. Finally! My honey supervised and documented. Here are some pics:
The breakdown of the stoop:

A pile of rubble:
Since they were out, Adam had them look at some other concrete behind our garage that needed some TLC...

And made the executive decision to have them replace a few of the back pieces too. Here they are, forming the front stoop:
And, the work in the back:
And a week later, after my honey painted the rails white:

2. New foyer tile
I've been wanting to get new tile for the foyer, so my honey phoned up his cousin Jay, who you might remember from the shower tiling in our upstairs bathroom.
We picked out some tile from Home Depot and Jay came over to beautify. Here are some pics...
Old, smelly tile out (Can tile smell? I think it can. It smelled funky when you walked in our front door. Like hot crayons):
We picked out some tile from Home Depot and Jay came over to beautify. Here are some pics...
Old, smelly tile out (Can tile smell? I think it can. It smelled funky when you walked in our front door. Like hot crayons):

The finished tile!
Close up:

Awesome job Jason!
3. The deck!
This is a biggie. You might remember that last year, around this time, Adam stained the deck for my birthday. Well, for some reason, through the winter, the stain didn't hold. Adam decided he would try again. This time, we decided on an opaque red stain. And, this time, Adam's bro Joe was roped in to help.
The power washing:
This is a biggie. You might remember that last year, around this time, Adam stained the deck for my birthday. Well, for some reason, through the winter, the stain didn't hold. Adam decided he would try again. This time, we decided on an opaque red stain. And, this time, Adam's bro Joe was roped in to help.
The power washing:
And voila!

I was afraid with the red siding, that it might be a little too much red. But, I like it. Way to go honey! And Joey too!
4. Tire trampled grass
I was avoiding looking at our side garden because the tire tracks from the neighbors cars made me sad. My honey offered to lay new sod. Isn't he grand?
Sod is hard work.
Digging out the tire tracks:

5. Bookshelf
Adam continues to work on the display of his pride and joy. Here is a beautiful red shelf he built to maximize the space on top of his comic drawerboxes. I think he might love this shelf more than me.

6. Off topic: The LEDGE
You might have heard about The LEDGE at the Sears Towers... excuse me, Willis Tower. As you might know, I work in the building and last week, building tenants were given a sneak peak. Pretty freaky.
Here are a couple of shots:
I'm floating!
Adam continues to work on the display of his pride and joy. Here is a beautiful red shelf he built to maximize the space on top of his comic drawerboxes. I think he might love this shelf more than me.

6. Off topic: The LEDGE
You might have heard about The LEDGE at the Sears Towers... excuse me, Willis Tower. As you might know, I work in the building and last week, building tenants were given a sneak peak. Pretty freaky.
Here are a couple of shots:

More soon --
C + A