Hi everyone.
Yes, I know... I am a slacker. BUT, in my defense, I did say we'd be MIA for a little while.
Not much has happened since September. But here is a little somethin' somethin'.
In chronological order:
Adam got me *new* Crate & Barrel coffee table (*new* to us from Craigslist!) for my birthday:

Our less-than-one-week-old-super-expensive fence mysteriously gets a hole in it (?!?!). Thank heavens for warranties.

We finally mowed our lawn. See how pretty the new fence is?

Fall came. Barry changed color. Pretty.

Our fence gets ANOTHER hole in it. Good golly miss molly. Again: bless you warranty. (Is any one suspicious of the hoodlums? I am.)

Our front door -- which we purchased in the summer of 2006 -- is finally installed! Praise the Lord! And Adam's dad too! (BTW, have no idea if this happened in November. Just trying to follow the pattern here).

Here it is, though unpainted (I picked an olive green paint for it. Just waiting for a warm day to paint.)

Adam's dad passed down to Adam his prized Christmas train. Here the proud men are with their handy work:

While trimming the tree, I dropped Spider-man on the ground and broke off his feet. :( It's okay though, he'll hitch a ride in the train. (And, Adam's got about 23 other Spider-man ornaments).

I know you are jealous of my snazzy Las Vegas sweatshirt. AHHHHH YEAH!
For one of Adam's Christmas gifts, I decided to commission an artist off Etsy to create a portrait of him as a boy.
The story:
. When Adam was small, he liked to chase birds.
. Adam's mom would require him to wear mittens when trying to catch said birds -- so as to not catch a bird disease, of course.
. So, it would be summer -- Adam in his shorts and all -- walking around the backyard, trying to catch birds with his mittens on.
. Said mittens have been displayed in our house, unceremoniously, until now:
Framed and hung:

Adam checks it out:

Ready for bird catching:

Find the artist brighthousegal at Etsy.com
In terms of gifts, a close second was the Spider-man alarm clock I got Adam as my yearly contribution to the comic room. Spidey's head projects the time on the ceiling (so you can tell time, in the dark, without getting up). Here he is setting up Spidey:

And testing out Spidey (this is just after he ripped off the wrapping paper):

Adam got another snowman item for the house. Thanks Aunt Karen and Uncle Frank. He loves it so!

Here it is, blocking the draft in our bedroom that comes out of Adam's closet (old house, little to no insullation). They look so happy and now Adam's feet do not freeze when he gets out of bed!

Adam and his bro Joey put up some lights. Adam fell off a ladder while doing this. I had just pulled in the drive and screamed really loud. He was okay, thankfully :)

On Christmas, we saw reindeer at Adam's parents, in the front yard!

And lastly, Adam and his mom Sue enjoyed a Christmas sword fight (WARNING: wrapping paper tubes can cause big paper cuts. Try at home, but with caution!):
I know. I know. Not too exciting.
What can I say. It is cold in Chicago, so we are not doing much around the house except for making "heat tents" (blanket. heat vent. bliss.) and watching TV.
We are managing to escape for a long weekend in Cabo next week. So we'll post some pics of that soon after. As for the house, we are saving, dreaming of how we might spend our tax return, and sketching our basement renovation plans out on a napkin while out for pancakes (don't get too excited. That project is YEARS away. A girl can dream, right?).
Until next time. Aruba, Jamaica, ooo I wanna take you to... Oh wait. That is the Carribean. Uhhh... Mexico... Mexico... oh yeah!