The yellow circle above indicates a hole in our front bow window.
A hole that was caused by a rock.
A rock that was thrown by an angry teenager.
Yes, C & A had a misadventure in homeowning.
Good Lord.
- C & A come home from the gym to find a swarm of rowdy kids fighting in the neighbors front yard. The boys proceed to move into the other yards, the street, C & A's yard... A tries to break up the fight but this only angers the boys -- who threaten A, C and to "break the house" if we call the cops.
- One boy is getting severely roughed up, so C calls the cops.
- Cops come. Boys run. Cops can't find anything and leave.
- A minute after the cops leave, one rock hits the window. Then another. C calls the cops again. Two more rocks hit the window.
- Later, when the cops show up we find out that one of our neighbors was heading to his car to grab something when he saw a boy in our drive getting ready to throw a landscaping brick -- either at our house or car. Yeah, real nice. Thanks to the neighbor for stopping that one. Ugh.
Lesson learned: If you see a situation, quietly go inside and call the cops.
Here is a zoomed out pictures of where the window is broken:

After our misadventure, we decided it was time to take some protective measures with our home sweet home. Thanks to A's Dad, we now have motion-sensored lights...
One behind the garage:

And one on our deck:

Up next: time for a fence... we must protect Barry!
We got our first estimate Saturday and will be talking to a couple of other vendors. Anyone have any good fence advice? I was just talking to my sister, who advised that a 6' privacy fence isn't always a good idea, since it makes it so no one can see who is in your yard, if you are not there. I never would have thought of that.
Oh, the drama.
In other news:
We finally hung some of the art/mirrors that I've been collecting. It's not perfect, there are some holes, but it is looking better, me thinks:
View from the front of the front room:

Blue/brown/white bird is from a thrift shop. $8. The blue matte was tan, and the frame was gold. I spray painted them both. The birds on the sides are from my sister, Christine. Another vintage find.
Another view:

Dining room:

"Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining" print matted on Martha Stewart wrapping paper and in a frame from Michael's. Surrounded by vintage metal frames, spray painted silver.
Another view:

Entry way mirror:

Salvation Army. $25 and some change [ for spray paint :) ]
View from front door:
New mirror over buffet:

Another Salvation Army find. $40 (yes, it is spray painted too).
Also, A and I now know how to hang a 100 lb. mirror if anyone needs lessons. It only took us 2 hours and 2 trips to Home Depot to figure out.
More adventures soon...
C + A