If you remember, a couple posts back, we mentioned that we were considering a euro splash panel for our upstairs tiny shower. Here is a picture to jog your memory:

Well, that door idea is quite pricey. About $1,000. Oy vey. Even though, aesthetically, it would look very nice, that is a big chunk of change to spend. Especially with a kitchen potentially on the Nemec horizon. Also, the door would only be able to open so much, with the sink in the way... So we decided to explore other options.
I had this idea to do a short swivel shower rod, kind of like the ones you see on kitchen curtains on... So, we decided to try it.
Weekend Project! Here is what we did:
Step 1:
Order swivel flange to attach to wall. This is specifically for a slopped ceiling, but it works for the wall too.

Step 2:
Get standard chrome shower rod from Target. Have husband saw it down 13 times until it is the proper length.

Step 3:
Ask studly husband to drill and attach flange to wall. Get thrown out of the room for making smart @$$ comments while he is drilling.
Step 4:
Hem too-long shower curtains, since shower ceiling is freakishly low.
Step 5:
Hang curtains and test out.
Oo! That rod needs a little WD-40!
Pretty swanky, huh? Not as cool looking as the euro spray panel, but much more cost effective at a whopping $75... and heck, the zebra curtain is pretty fantastic (just don't look at my sewing skillz up close).
We need to add a couple of items to this idea to make it work better. One thing is those little splash guard deals for the tub corner, so that water doesn't splash over. The other is a little suction cup to the interior shower liner, so that when you are in the shower, you can pull the liner toward the angled wall and suction it to the tile. All in all, the idea works pretty well.
We also did some kitchen and miscellaneous house shopping this weekend. Thanks to everyone for all the great kitchen advice that was emailed. We appreciate it! Of course, we are still exploring our options... We went to a local kitchen remodeler this weekend, where we can either buy just the cabinets, or they can be hired to do the entire job. We really liked the owner, and what they have to offer, so we've got an appointment with them for a measure and consultation in a week. Hopefully that will work out.
On another note, we picked up this mirror over the weekend for $10 at a resale shop. I am debating if I should paint it or not... the wood is in pretty nice condition. Adam thinks makes our buffet look like a dresser, so maybe paint would help. Any votes either way? I bought a taupe color paint... cream might look nice too.
Anyway, here is one last thing... a sort of behind-the-blog short if you will, as we were preparing to shoot the shower scene... don't worry, everyone is clothed!
Until next time!
Carole (+ Adam)
PS: We recommend the movie "Once". Watched it on Friday. Lovely story, lovelier music.