And a one and a two. Ah . . . cha, cha cha! Now for my jazz hands. Oh, I didn't see you there. Welcome to the latest blog posting for Carole and Adam. Please take a seat (but not mine - tee hee) and enjoy the blog.

What does one ladder, two scrappers, and Carole out of town for a week mean? Yep, Adam's very own bootleg extreme wrestling. Wait, that's for later. This time it meant the textured bathroom ceiling was getting scrapped.

Many hours, a little sweat and 6 blisters later . . . viola . . . the ceiling was done.

Upon her arrival home, Carole got the glamourous task of cleaning out the bathroom fan.

Carole decided that the landscaping needed refreshing. Adam thought this was great (as he does not enjoy gardening) and applauded Carole for taking an active role in this hobby.
Well, we see how that turned out. Here's Adam post getting roped into digging out a couple mini-pine bushes. In the background Adam's Dad takes a nap on the deck (just kidding). He's really scrapping the bathroom's shower door's frame.

Adam channels the spirit of the four members of KISS to remove this tree stump.

Carole shows off the new shrubbery for the garden. Notice how she crouches in excitement over this exotic and beautiful plant. The fellow from the nursery called it the Root-with-pokie-sticks plant. The best news for us was that it is already in full bloom!

To compliment the Root-with-pokie-sticks plant, we also purchased some of these other plants.

Adam pours the cedar mulch and Carole spreads it around. We do this while singing the 90210 theme song. DA DA DA DA. DA DA DA DA (clap, clap).

The original Waldo. Where's Carole?

BEFORE: Ugly looking bushes that were turning brown and smelled like poo.

AFTER: Superstar landscaping that looks clean, hip, and smells like cedar.

A sample from the the upcoming 2008 Women and Power Tools Calendar. Reserve your copy today at Amazon.com.

Adam in a state of bliss. His comic room is in its early stages. This photo was taken on May 5th. Carole has not seen him since.

Drumroll please - tatatatatatata - making his first appearance on the blog . . . Jason Muzzey (aka Adam's cousin). Yes, many try to resist the lure of the blog, but find themselve succumbing to its sweet call.
Jason was kind enough to come by and tile our upstairs bath/shower. Here are the shots of his work. He did an awesome job, the shower looks great. And to think all he asked for in return was a sensual massage from Adam (which was happily provided).

The grouting process.

"Um, no Adam, I don't think that we can both fit in this shower at the same time. Yeah, I'm pretty sure we don't have to try taking a practice shower together to prove it."

Jason: "Okay, pay attention Adam. When beading with the caulk you want to run it along the corner, wait, what are your doing?"
Adam: "I'm caulking the wall!"
Jason: "Just put the caulk gun down and go sit in that corner."

And . . . here's a shot of the completed shower.

Our guest bedroom is really coming along. The bed is set with sheets chosen from Carole.

And what guest room is complete without a bamboo circle chair. Yes, so when you get tired of laying in bed, you can sit in the bamboo chair. And when you get tired of sitting in the bamboo chair, you may go and sit back on the bed.
Please control your excitment over this.

We had such a positive response from Adam's carpet photos from our previous blog, that Carole wanted in on the action. While not as risque, she does look quite euphoric.
Actually, the living room and dining room are set (not complete, but getting there). Yes, after nine months, the plastic was taken off the couches. Please enjoy the shots.

Carole's so excited to have the china in the house, that she asked . . . no . . . demanded that a close-up be included. For your viewing pleasure, here is a close up of the cabinet (sans Adam's Robin Superhero Glass - which was banished to the basement - insert sad face).

CRAZY LAWN BAG HEAD LADY: It's me again. I hope you enjoyed this post. Stay tuned for further posts. If your ever in need of leaf or twig bagging, call me ASAP. In closing, the summer movie blockbusters have been lacklusters. Avoid Spider-man 3 and Shrek 3. Or if you are going to see them, do a two-fer. Goodbye.