Meet the latest additions to the Nemec clan . . . Twinkie and the chick. Twinkie's been around for awhile and we thought he could use a friend. They like long car rides and watching the bird feeder when we're at work.

Time: 8:45 a.m. on Sunday.
Place: The Nemec household.
What: The Gilkey window installer arrives 4 hours early. Yes, this is not a misprint . . . 4 hours. Carole had just got out of the shower, and Adam was in the shower. We think that they felt guilty about canceling the installation the day before. Little did we know that 12:30 p.m. meant 8:45 a.m. in Gilkey time.

While Adam talks with our Gilkey Window installation man, Carole ponders where she's seen him before. And then it dawns to her, at the Kiss concert from a couple years ago. Turns out this guy was in the crowd with us and was at one time a former roadie.

The old windows come out while the new ones wait on the truck.

After taking her Giant-man growth formula, GIANT CAROLE, proceeded to stomp our half-dead tree back into the ground.

Carole's friend Joann popped by for a visit. Carole pulled a Huck Finn with her, telling how much fun it was to pick up sticks in the yard. Pretty soon Joann couldn't resist not being part of the fun and proceed to clean up the yard. Carole kicked back with her shovel and watch Joann go to town.

To speed up the yard work, Carole and Joann preformed a song and dance routine (ala 80s movie montage). Please note, the matching green pants were not by accident.

Our neighbors have developed a habit of not being able to keep their SUVs on their driveway. Instead, they like to drive on our grass. Carole confronted them about this, to which they replied, "well some of the grass is ours." Adam checked the plot with his Dad and about 1/4" of the grass next to the driveway is officially theirs.

Carole provides us with her sad face over the neighbors landscaping of our lawn with their cars.

Because you demanded it, more window installation pictures.

Carole points out how the triple pane glass prevents the cold from entering the rooms.

Adam tests out his new pair of stilts. He then proceeded to put them in the garage and will probably never use them again.

Adam showing the ease of wiping down the new windows with is pattened "spit shine clean" rub.

The new windows in place! Just wait until the inside trim is in place.

Yes, Carole, it appears to be low 50s with a slight chance or rain.

Joann teaches Carole some green thumb tips with the left over flowers from Joe and Katie's shower. Step one to Carole's landscaping plan.

TIMBER . . .
Okay, so GIANT CAROLE really didn't stomp our tree into the group. We owe the tree's removal to Ken's Tree Service. So, while the yard looks a little empty, the dead tree is gone. And no, that man walking on the lawn was not crushed by the falling tree.

Adam happily shows off his bird feeder. He's filled with a special formula mix that is to attract rare and exotic birds.

The good news: Two days later, the feeder was empty!
The not so good news: In addition to some lovely finches, we saw a squirrel in the feeder, 8 seagalls honed into our yard and gobbled up all the feed that spilled in the grass, and last but not least, two pigeons (aka sewer rats), were eating feed on the ground. *sigh*

With the new windows in place . . . the carpet soon followed.
Thanks to cousin Craig for putting in our awesome new carpet. Here are some photos of the installation.

Carole is so excited with the new carpet that she is moved to do sommersults!

Well, actually she was moved to perform ONE sommersult. In a nutshell, this second photo is of her pretending she's in nutshell (ala Austin Powers).

During the course of walking on the new carpet . . . the mattress falls on Adam. Carole laughs and snaps a photo. Adam was not so amused.

Here are couple photos of the new funky mattress spread that Carole picked-out for the room. We're both excited about the possibilities with the upstairs.
The first is stock photo (we don't have the other pieces . . . only the mattress cover).

You can take the man out of the carpeted room, but you can't take the carpeted room out of the man!

Adam proves how super soft the new carpet by taking a naked nap. Please note that this is the comic room and NOT the guest room (Carole got naked and rolled around the carpet in that room).

Where's Waldo . . . err . . . Carole? Can you find her. If so, you're invited to view our blog the next time it's updated!