We have lots happening! Here are the updates:
The upstairs is coming along! Here is Adam staining the trim (yes, in his underwear, while checking basketball scores):

And here is the new trim!

And here I am, cleaning up, in preparation for the carpet:

Me cleaning fast and furious:

In my quest to furnish the house, I have taken a liking to visiting the local Salvation Army in search of things I can use or fix up. Here are two fun chairs I picked up:

And, a buffet! I have been looking all around for this. I will change the knobs, but all in all, it is perfect!

Remember our tree that fell during the storm in October? Well we're cutting down the rest of it. Hopefully this week -- if weather permits and the tree guy can make it. Here is it. So sad. Kinda (It is a messy tree, and I think the ants live there, so I will be kinda glad it is gone).

Last but not least, this week our car was the victim of vandalism. While it was parked on the street, the driver's side window was smashed! Nothing was stolen, luckily, but we had to get a new window. Here is my nice patch job until we could get the car in the garage:

Well this week should be big in terms of the house. Tree should come down this week. Saturday we get the new windows upstairs. And hopefully, carpet soon after. Stay tuned!
Carole (& Adam)