My friend Kate came to visit from Germany, and we made smores...

Joe and Adam fixed some of our broken stairs in preparation for carpet...

Adam painted the bathroom "light french grey"...

AND we intereviewed many vendors for new windows upstairs....

PS: we did not choose Home Depot :)
Adam and his Dad discussed plans for the comic room and cut a hole in the wall in that room for access to the kitchen electrical...

I bought Adam this nifty accesory for the comic room...

And, we hung some pretty curtains in my office...

Oh! And I bought these fun lamps for the living room, and got this neato table for $10 at an estate sale...

That's the update! We ordered five new windows for our upstairs which should be installed in the next 4-6 weeks. Carpet will be ordered this week. Adam and his dad are working on finishing up the trim and odds and ends upstairs!
More to come!
Carole (& Adam)