Hello everyone!
Some exciting updates!
We have finally signed up for Comcast cable! Yippee! We have been without cable for almost a year, and a tough year it has been :). So, Comcast was visiting the neighborhood with some "special" deals and starting October 14, we will be wired! MTV, TLC, how I've missed you! AND -- the best part -- we are getting DVR too! This is a huge deal because with all the new fall shows starting, I am averaging two shows per night. That's a lot of VHS tapes and planning, people. So, I am very very excited!
Here are some pictures of Adam and his Dad cleaning our gutters a few weeks back. There was a lot of junk in there.

We've recovered the dining room chairs -- these are from the previous owners. We bought their dining set off them for a small amount of money, just to have some furniture to get by with. We got a table, six chairs, and a hutch. However, the chairs needed some new fabric. Here are some pics of the new covering:


The fabric is a pear color, with an olive green geometric design. I like it. Here are some pics of Adam's mom and I at work:

Not much done here yet. But I am starting to think about color for this room...

The plywood floor is done! Adam and his dad are working on masking and taping the drywall on the big bedroom's ceiling and the bathroom, and on applying the floor leveler. Soon, we'll paint and we hope to have carpet maybe by mid-November... Here are some pics:

That's all for now! It's coming along!
Carole & Adam